Tuesday 15 December 2009

Thirty years a lawyer- S V V -excerpt

I was a lawyer for thirty years,which,of course is nothing uncommon.But I retired from the profession some years ago,which I proudly claim is rather unusual.Lawyers seldom retire from the profession,except they be struck down with facial paralysis,struck off the rolls by the high court, or are retired from the world altogether.
I have purposely mentioned the case of facial paralysis, because nothing short of that speechless physical calamity can ever reconcile a lawyer to voluntary retirement.And in the case of other disabilities ,such,for instance ,as deafness or blindness , I don't know that there is any statutory or non-statutory power under the law governing lawyers,that can compel the disabled ones to retire from the profession,unless the clients themselves choose to forsake them.
But then they are still lawyers.

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